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This game is an awesome display of real-time fractals. Can we have an uncapped framerate please? GPUs have gotten fast and monitor refresh rates have gotten high (480 Hz!). I'd love to see it running beyond 60 Hz. :)


A couple of years back my friend asked me to make him a video to go along with a song he was working on. I had been playing Marble Marcher around that time and made this using entirely in-game graphics. Music from Cathartic Productions. Thanks for the awesome game!


Excelente juego, estoy desarrollando un proyecto a cerca de la presencia de los fractales en el cine y videojuegos. Me gustaría poder usar Marble Marcher y a la vez me gustaría conocer su funcionamiento y sobre todo el desarrollo de los fractales para poder recrear uno por mi cuenta, gracias.

Great idea!

I used Mandelbulb3D for years and always hoped someone would make a game using 3D fractal geometry. Would you be able to tweak your engine to also make a spaceship game please? - where the ship explores inside the fractal and needs to avoid collision and find the flag to land on it safely?

You could use a fuel-gauge as a timer - such as a 3D "flappy bird" or "gravity force" game? IT WOULD BE AWESOME!

Reminds me of the the "Millennium Falcon" flying through "The DeathStar", avoiding the pipe-structures, platforms and walls.

I could help to fund development with monthly "buy-me-a-cofee" payments.
Please, please. Thank you!

Yedoma Globula has similar gameplay to what you're describing, so you might what to check it out.   Cheers!

Thank you!

How to activate cheats

How do you complete "around the citadel"?

Just go around the citadel :)

One of the most spectacular demo experiences I've ever had. Mind-boggling graphics, an immersive soundtrack, excellent sound design, and intuitively tuned controls.  The only changes I would make would be to expand the hitbox for the winning flag to prevent player annoyance and add a dash/jump to better improve mobility.

Wish there were an Android port of this. Tilting to navigate would be fun! 

you should make it so people that use a Mac/Macintosh computer can use this game too, reason why I'm mentioning this is because some game file types on windows aren't supported on Mac so the game might not work for those people

Is there any way to support 21x9 aspect resolutions? Fullscreen on my monitor: a) cuts off part of the menu, b) turns the marble into an ellipsoid, and squashes the map too.


release for mac please

I am sure a mac will not have a GPU good enough for this game. RTX3060Ti  running almost full power for this game

It runs flawlessly through wine (on Linux at least), so you could give that a go.

Me: maybe I'll try to see if it works like that

System: you cannot run "marble marcher.exe" because windows files are not supported on Mac.

Me: W̴̥͐H̷̢̃Y̴̡̐ ̸̖̈́C̵̱͑À̷̘N̴̨̽'̵͈͂T̶̘̈ ̴̭̓L̴͓̀I̸͗ͅF̵̪̎Ë̷̳́ ̸̖̈́J̶͙̾Ȗ̴̢S̵̹̍T̷̘͝ ̶̩̈B̴̖̅Ḙ̶̕ ̶͓͝N̶̖̽Ȍ̵̞R̴̞͌M̷̞̆Â̴͔L̵̩͠ ̸̗͘F̴̢̍O̴̳̎R̵͕̀ ̵̨͗O̷͚͗N̴̺̓Ĉ̶͇

(1 edit) (+1)

I think we are overdue for more levels or a sequel.

holds out a bowl in his tiny trembling hands, and says in a tiny trembling voice;
"Please sir.... can I have some more ?"
Then in stepped the Marble Marcher Community with a huge ladle full of second helpings and pudding to follow.

Is it a virus?

what? no,  its just a super monkey ball type game.



Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball took acid and had a baby.

Deleted post

10/10 couldn't work on my world geography final because of this game. would recommend.


* sad mac user noises*


You can just build it yourself on any OS:


If we could disable shadows it would probably be able to run easily on about any hardware. I run on the second lowest setting on intel HD Graphics 620, and it's butter smooth on scren saver (50-60 fps), and between 30 and 40 fps when playing. Maybe an opaque marble could save a few resources for lower-end devices too.

As for the gameplay and the music : simple and nice.


We have potato?


Potato changes the resolution for rendering everything, with an insanely low 320x180 (I don't know who would actually play like this). It does run smoothly on low-end GPUs but is nowhere near looking like enjoyable.

Adding settings for shadows (which can be very power expensive) and reflections (same goes) would allow for higher quality rendering but better performance on every hardware, including low-end, perhaps drastically.


I use the potato setting...


i also potato!


CodeParade Made a video about the rendering process and(according to him) due to the way ray marching works
Shadows come at pretty much no extra work when rendering

Deleted 2 years ago

Sorry, I said shadow but I was talking about the AO, my bad
I have no idea how much the shadows would cost


Most games use rasterization, this one uses ray marching, so it works in a very different way. This game can't use rasterization because the fractals are not made with polygons like any other 3D model in any other game


I love the catwalk and the sponge, keep up the great work


interesting... trippy kinda feel or something. Really cool looking art!


noice, a game that features fractals. Kinda wanna try

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